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Patient Experience

Patient Experience was a project from the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University. The project's team sought to investigate how can games can help in creating an environment which could helps patients through the rehabilitation process of a Total Knee/Total Hip replacement surgery. Due to my previous experience in ActionScript 3, I acted as lead programmer and designed the supporting architecture for the games that were developed during the semester.


The project primarily tacked the following constrains, set by our client, UPMC:

Here is a 30 second video showcasing our work:


The project was challenging due to the following issues


The client was satisfied with our work at the end of the semester.

One of the most interesting aspects of this project was realtime tracking of the patient's exercise routines in order to determine if the patient was doing the exercises correctly or not.
Our games used an inertial measurement unit (IMU) in order to track range of motion, and a Wii Balance Board for tracking several exercises. For the inertial measurement unit, I wrote the software required to make it work with our framework: a server in C# (.NET) that read input from the IMU and an ActionScript API that exposed this data to the games.